Tuesday, July 10, 2007

ScOtTisH "R@mLy bUrgER"~

Ooh.. we just can't get enough of Ramly burger, can we? Not even when we are a few thousands miles away from Malaysia and find ourselves overnumber by the caucasians.

Me and Chua Ah Ming had a taste of the Scottish "Ramly burger" at a road-side stall/van known as The Vineyard (in case u are wondering, no, they dun sell any wine or grape or whatsoever things to do with a vineyard, except for some bottled fruit juice which we weren't char siew enough to try) during one of our first few sesat attempts in exploring the city centre of Glasgow. As quoted by ah ming, "the price is the same ma, just that one is in ringgit while the other one is in pound..." XP Hmm.. A big bite of scalding-hot-super-sinful-cheese-oozing-out-burger on a cold gloomy drizzling day in Scotland... Ooh... Is there a need for me to further elaborate the bahagia-ness anymore? XD

So last Saturday, me and ah ming got a sudden unexplicable crave (no, in case u are wondering again, we are two gorgeous gals who are still single and available and we are definitely not pregnant) over this "Ramly burger" so much so that we were willing to walk all the way there, not hindered by the fact that it's in a totally opposite direction to that of our shopping destination of the day, i.e. the Buchanan Street. We finally got the burger in our hands and after comforting ourselves that even if we end up having food poisoning due to handling of our burgers by the waitress who sneezed and coughed into her hands and merely wiping them with a piece of tissue after that Royal Infirmary was just across the road, we put the burgers into our mouth, anticipating the chemistry to happen once again...

"Arhm..... munch munch..."

The burger turned out to be slightly cold, and the cheese was falling apart, and apparently the sneezing waitress forgot to add ketchup and mustard (oh ya, and in case u are wondering why I didnt get chili sauce instead, here in Scotland, if u were to ask for chili sauce to go with ur burger, u would most probably end up getting a "Har? Which planet do u come from?" look from the attendant. I kena once before in McDonald. Ouch!!) into my burger... Chua Ah Ming happily said, "yong ge man tai" and was in time to run away before I turned into HANNIBAL... XD Anyway, what a disappointment lor!!! Sigh... what to do? It was a different cook ma... Uncle Ramly was most probably resting at home when we ingested his daughter's bacteria-loaded burger... Yeeeeewww... (>_<")

Still, we finished the burgers within 5 minutes time, although we weren't satisfied at all... Hey, it cost us 1.50 pounds each, ok? Try converting that into ringgit and see how many biji Ramly burger u can get la.. Well... Royal Infirmary didnt have 2 new patients being admitted that day, but Buchanan Street was visited by 2 Malaysia jakuns who swore to catch Uncle Ramly in The Vineyard when they feel like char-siew-ing again next time... XP

Leng lui promoter of The Vineyard XD

1 comment:

~ming~ said...

i think she didnt even wipe her hands with tissue.......

