Wednesday, March 01, 2006


唉。。。 我又再一次的被这个人伤害了。。。 就以A来作为这个人的代号吧。

我到底做错了什么事? 为什么要这样对我呢? 我从真心诚意对待朋友的角度,默默地为A做了这么多事,不期望得到任何回报,也不期望A会知道,只求我身边的朋友都能够快快乐乐的过日子。 有时,虽然我自己会很辛苦,会觉得很累,我也不在乎。。。 但我换来的又是什么呢?



猪头 said... stunt when see this blog. i dunno tat there is so much thg tat being bothering u. i dunno whether A is me or not. but i hope it's not. mayb i think lk this it's bcoz i do feel tat i did sumthg wrong to u. n i am sori if i eva did anythg tat hurt u. act i nvr meant to do so. jz to let u know, no matter wat, i wil alwiz b ur fren. nvr think of using u to achieve wat goal. jz wanna let u know.

hmm... after writting this got a feeling of 此地無銀三百兩. but if it's me tat u r talking bout, i reli hope to clear this misund. if it's not me, den i jz take this opputurnity to say tat i am soli if i eva did anythg to hurt u. no matter wat, i hope u und tat u r my fren. alwiz n foreva.

LiNg@hCmM said...

To all my dear frenz:

After seeing this post, PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE don't ask me who this particular person is. I am not ready to tell, yet. Like what I have stated in the post, you would only know who A is, if you are meant to know. So far, there are only 2 ppl in this world who know whom I am talking about here. So, if you are not one of them, please give me some time to recover and don't ask me any question regarding this person, ok? Really appreciate it loads. Thanks... =)