Wednesday, February 13, 2008

新年快乐!!人日快乐!! =D


最近比较忙嘛。。忙着虚度人生,忙着发呆,忙着无聊,忙着大吃特吃,忙着两眼直视窗口什么都不做,忙着做猪,忙着找免费的琴谱,忙着上 Youtube 看 Aly & AJ 和 KT Tunstall,忙着找 Lily Allen 还有 Keane 的歌,忙着关心陈冠希终于承认他是变态佬了没,忙着关心阿娇终于放弃扮纯情女了没,忙着和朋友一起搞“爬地”,忙着看帅哥。。哇佬!还真是忙得不可开交啊!XD

哈呐,哈呐。。没有啦!我的生活还没有潦倒到这种程度啦。至少我搞掂了 Research Project 的 Method 还有今天的 Pharmcare presentation,虽然被教授狂炸问题,还在我的feedback栏里说我太罗嗦了。。。OUCH!!!!! 伤心。。(T_T)

在我投入 Biopharm5 的怀抱之前(拜一考试哪,sien。。),决定写点应节的东西,而且还要用华语来写,因为这毕竟是华人的农历新年嘛!! =D

恭喜发财!!万事如意!!心想事成!!笑口常开!! 身体健康!!

今天是人日,是大家的生日!!所以也顺便祝大家生日快乐!!! ^^

顺便放一点照片让大家看看在国外过年可以是多么 happening 的哪!!~

哇赛!!看我的 housemate 多么趣致可爱啊~ XD
好可怜那条鱼哦。。。 XD


Hanseloon 亲手做的黄梨饼让大家都乐坏了~~ 好吃!!谢谢~~ =D

三个决定以 Bimbo 一点的方式来过年的女人。。眼睛涂上了 Eyeliner 啦~~ XD

大合照!!左边那个黑衣的哥哥不错看叻~ XD 全名叫“压拉屎他骗你”!哇嘎嘎。。。 XD

新年火锅~~温暖又开心!! =〕 好像在帮电饭锅打广告。。(-_-")

好啦!!愿大家在新的一年里一切顺利!!希望以后还有机会和朋友们一起过新年!!爱你们噢~~ *飞吻* XD 达达~~ =)


~ming~ said...

waaaahhhhh!!!!!!!! i cant read!!!!


LiNg@hCmM said...

Kaka.. Ming, it's a post meant for CNY~~ So must write it in mandarin ma.. =P

Nothing much la honestly.. Don't waste ur life trying to figure out what nonsense I wrote le.. XD Me didn't write anything bad about ya so no worries le.. See, so sweet of me, right? I know!!! Kakaka.. =P

phuayfhern said...

OH NO!! u've just "lau mai fan"-ed me (dunno how to type chinese on comp), there goes my city-gal/ small-appetite-eater/non-auntie/ destined-to-be-served-like-a-royalty image!!

P/s: haha... so not me!

Feeling superiority over ming! (oh nak nak, sayang larh ming)

HAPPY V DAY TZEEEEE!!!! muacksss!!
Looking forward to our V-date! To outsiders who have yet to experience it, we're going to BK-fusion! (was told that the name is suggestive of somewhere/something super-posh)

LiNg@hCmM said...

Tze, since when did we ever get associated with the aforementioned desirable images??? Auntiness ROCKS, man!!! XD

HAPPY V DAY TO YOU, TOO!! Not going to muacks or hugz u though. Orang yang sudah berpunya tak perlu lah.. As quoted by Ming, kacau daun betul!! Kekeke... =P

Yay!! No date for a 21-year-old gal on V Day!! What a brilliant excuse to binge eat!! I sounded sad, no? Kakaka... XP