Realized it's quite easy to commit suicide in the satellite pharmacy.
See ya.. Drugs like Phenytoin, Theophylline, Digoxin and etc. are all within reach. Drugs of which a slight tiny bit of overdosage could lead to fatal consequences.
And these drugs could be given without the need of a pakar's counter-sign.
If I were to take a few more out while filling in prescriptions and hide them in my pocket and send them all down my throat with some water over lunch time...
Nyek nyek nyek nyek nyek......
Shit... I must have been too stressed out at work dy...
P/S. Just got to know today that a box of Olanzapine (28 biji) costs around RM400-500!!!!! And gov hosps are giving them out at the cost of a symbolic RM1 only!!!!! If u happen to be a gov servant, u dun even have to pay a single cent!! OMG!!!!! Malaysian's gov hosp ROCKS!!!!! XD =P
pakar sign because expensive,not because dangerous.
Exactly!! Which is why I feel a bit duh... (-__-") uk we call it "blacklisted" lo remember?same
Ya oh? I always thought blacklisted items are those that ppl tend to abuse easily. Like laxative.. Kakaka... =P
If that's the case, then money is more important than life liao lo????? (-__-")
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