Thursday, December 07, 2006

cANcER DrUgs pRoMOte cELL prOlifErAtIOn???

Compiling Group A and B results for DD3 report now... Dots.. most of the results actually show that AG1478, a cancer chemotherapy drug which is supposed to destroy cancerous cell, actually promote growth.. (-_-") what is this la???

Bravo!! Did a statistical paired T-test to compare the normal result, i.e. allies with the theoretical value one, with a result that show 300% cell proliferation. Know what? The T-test proves that the difference is insignificant!!! (><") Fan shu!!!!! (番薯,i.e. potato)

Cancer drugs promote cell growth?? T_T


cYbeR FiSh™ said...

yup,the patient actually takes a drug to cure a cancer,n he/she will get ANOTHER cancer in return...OR
the patient will take immunosuppressants after an organ transplant,n develop CANCER 3-5yrs after that...hmm...

Kah Yee said...

Wat da hell u guys toking abt ?? got info abt AG1478 adi izzit ?? gv me some la...

LiNg@hCmM said...

I dunno what that cyber fish talking about also lo.. seems like ppl studied cancer chemotherapy already wor.. and she's doing Doxo la.. easy insofar.. (-_-")